Friday 26 August 2011


Unexpectedly I got  a phone!!!!
Just a simple Samsung though & surprise number 2!
My aunt came to stay the night, shes brilliant!!!
I got to sleep on the air bed its so comfy, though it's a tight squeeze sleeping
our our office!!
Anyway I had really nice time over at a friends house!
(apart from the rain&thunder!)BYE!!!

Thursday 25 August 2011

Wellie torture!!!

But these wellies are FAB!!!!!
Today I had to go shopping for wellies!
The 2nd worst thing to shop for other than school shoes.
But I'm sure you don't want to hear the whole wellie massacre so I will cut it short.
We first went in  John Lewis, none in my size other than Hunter wellies which I am not aloud because they're too expensive!!!!!!
After a few other shops we came to M&S bad color bad fit
& that is the end of the wellie massacre.
hunter wellies!!!!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Getting ready for another sleepover!!!!

Duck Tour!!
Hi again,
I haven't written in a long time because of all the sleepovers!!!
I'm having a quick stop at home before the last sleepover. I'm quite tired and still relaxing at home. Both my friends have cats. I love cats. Their cats are called Monty, Hera, and Ajax.
(also a lovely cat who died called Hector).
We can't have a cat in our flat though.
The best thing I did yesterday would have to be the Duck Tour! It was FAB!!! The duck tour is a tour around London in a little yellow bus with big windows.
Soon after the tour you go down a steep slope into the river Thames! The wheels go in and it turns into A BOAT!!!
See ya!!

Monday 22 August 2011


Today I am going on a day out with a friend & her Grandparents.
Then I am having a sleepover at hers.
I will spend the next day with her & have another sleepover with her.
In the morning my dad will collect me & drop me of at another friends for another sleepover!
So I'm pretty much as busy as a bee                

X-factor update!!!

The X-factor was 100% amazing the judges did well although
I thought they were quite harsh on some of the contestants.
The X-factor is on Saturday 8:00 ITV1!!

Friday 19 August 2011



Its Friday & I am so excited for the X Factor I am practically jumping out of my seat!!!
I'm not so sure it will be as good without Simon Cowell's meanness or Cheryl Cole always saying how everyone's right up her street!
& Dannii's minoge (I always thought she was the most friendly)
But I bet it will still be great!!!!

Click here to watch the trailer!

Thursday 18 August 2011



That's right it's smurf time !!!

we're going to see smurfs the movie, I am so excited.
I have never seen a episode of smurfs before. I think it will be FAB! The trailer was hilarious! They gave it an awful review of 2 star though.
see ya!!
Click here for trailer!                                                                      

smurf update!!!
It was great although it so deserves a 4 star rather than 2 
& did you know smurfette's (the female smurf) voice was done by Katy Perry!
Any way I think it was a FAB film well worth watching!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Going bonkers for BANANAS!!!

photo by ME!!!
A  couple of days ago I had a theory that the over ripe Bananas,
in the fruit bowl would be brilliant to make a banana cake!
So we made our banana cake .
I even got to dip my finger in the golden syrup, YUM!!
We were very proud  of our cake  & took our first bit!
It was a bit soggy at the bottom but it was still delicious!
Fab banana cake recipe!!!!!         
You'll need ...
3 large ripe bananas (over ripe even better)
225 g (8 oz) self raising flour
175 g (6 oz) caster suger
100 g (4 oz) unsalted butter
2 eggs

2 table spoons of golden syrup
a pinch of salt

1 Pre-heat the oven to 150 degrees. Peel the bananas, slice into a bowl & mash until smooth with a fork . Beat until all the remaining ingredients are combinded
with the bananas. This can always be done in blender.
2 Spoon the mixture into a greased  900 g (2 lb) loaf tin & bake 1 1/4 hours until risen & firm to touch  leave to rest for around 12 mins before taking out its tin.
WOO-HOO! You have a FAB banana cake!

Monday 15 August 2011


Red titi monkey

Emperor tamarin monkey
Goeldis monkey 
lion tamarin
golden lion tamarin

   Today I went to the zoo & there   were loads of cute monkeys
in this brilliant enclosure!
It was like a little building they had  made in to a rain forest
with all the monkeys running about!
It was like a rain forest in middle
    and there were high platforms for us to stand on, over looking the area.
Some of the monkeys would climb 
up the trees and jump onto the platforms .
It was so cute!!

    Sunday 14 August 2011


    look underneath for super Cathy Cassidy 
    blueberry muffin recipe!
    Hi! I'm Astrid and this is my first blog entry! 
    About me
    I am nine years old & I live in a small flat in London.
    This is CRA2ED + CONFUSED my holiday blog 2011!
    I love fashion design its one of many things I love to do.
    I like to be unique, creative, different , cool & quirky.    
    My fav authors are Michael  Morpurgo  & Cathy Cassidy they're  FAB!! I all so adore blueberry muffins!

    for more recipes go