Monday 5 September 2011

Saturday 3 September 2011

I'm back!!!

I have not written for ages because of our holiday!
We went to center parcs with a friend it was so fun!
They had a brilliant pool with lots of water slides & they had these rapids they were so fun. I have soooo many bruises though!!!
One bit of the rapids was just a drop strait down .You should try going backwards!!!We also went quad biking, that was such a laugh!!!

Friday 26 August 2011


Unexpectedly I got  a phone!!!!
Just a simple Samsung though & surprise number 2!
My aunt came to stay the night, shes brilliant!!!
I got to sleep on the air bed its so comfy, though it's a tight squeeze sleeping
our our office!!
Anyway I had really nice time over at a friends house!
(apart from the rain&thunder!)BYE!!!

Thursday 25 August 2011

Wellie torture!!!

But these wellies are FAB!!!!!
Today I had to go shopping for wellies!
The 2nd worst thing to shop for other than school shoes.
But I'm sure you don't want to hear the whole wellie massacre so I will cut it short.
We first went in  John Lewis, none in my size other than Hunter wellies which I am not aloud because they're too expensive!!!!!!
After a few other shops we came to M&S bad color bad fit
& that is the end of the wellie massacre.
hunter wellies!!!!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Getting ready for another sleepover!!!!

Duck Tour!!
Hi again,
I haven't written in a long time because of all the sleepovers!!!
I'm having a quick stop at home before the last sleepover. I'm quite tired and still relaxing at home. Both my friends have cats. I love cats. Their cats are called Monty, Hera, and Ajax.
(also a lovely cat who died called Hector).
We can't have a cat in our flat though.
The best thing I did yesterday would have to be the Duck Tour! It was FAB!!! The duck tour is a tour around London in a little yellow bus with big windows.
Soon after the tour you go down a steep slope into the river Thames! The wheels go in and it turns into A BOAT!!!
See ya!!

Monday 22 August 2011


Today I am going on a day out with a friend & her Grandparents.
Then I am having a sleepover at hers.
I will spend the next day with her & have another sleepover with her.
In the morning my dad will collect me & drop me of at another friends for another sleepover!
So I'm pretty much as busy as a bee                

X-factor update!!!

The X-factor was 100% amazing the judges did well although
I thought they were quite harsh on some of the contestants.
The X-factor is on Saturday 8:00 ITV1!!